Sunday, June 25, 2017

Sunday, June 24. Trinity Western University

I arrived at Trinity Western yesterday afternoon around 3:00 pm.  We had no trouble crossing the border into Canada.  The agent at the border said he had a number of Sea to Sea riders passing through into Canada over the past few hours.

We are staying in the dorms at Trinity Western.  It was fun to see many familiar faces again from my past Sea to Sea rides.  The largest age group of riders is between 50 and 70 years of age.  The riders come from all over the United State and Canada.  We had an orientation meeting for several hours last night.  It is very warm here today but it is suppose to cool down tomorrow.

We had an inspiring worship service this morning with great singing.  The service was led by Pastor Peter Sloftra.  He recently retired from the ministry.  He and his wife are planning to ride the entire route on a tandem bike. Peter's brother, Bert. also a retired pastor, is also riding the entire route.

  We also heard from the Executive Director of World Renew and the Director of Parners World Wide.  These are organizations will be using the funds raised from our bike ride to provide poverty relief.  It was good to hear of the great things these organizations are doing.

This after knew we had more lessons on the rules of the road and did some practice drills.  We also met with our service teams who are also our group devotions team.  Our team is in charge of helping  set up dinner this week.  Tomorrow we will ride to the White Rock area and dip our back tires in the Pacific Ocean.  We then head for Abbotsford where we will spend the night.

Trinity Western has a nice campus.  In addition to Sea to Sea riders,  there are a number of women football teams staying here.   They are here for the World's Women Football Championship that are being played nearby.   Teams from Australia, Finland, Great Britain, and the US are staying here.  These teams play tackle football with helmets and pads.

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