Thursday, July 13, 2017

Day 3: Hope to Manning Park - 45 miles

We are in the mountains. It was a long uphill climb (over 6,000 ft of climbing)  but the scenery was amazing.  We were warned that this climb would be the second toughest of our days in the mountains.

Water was cascading was down along the road as we climbed up.  We finally came to the turn off for the camp ground only to find that we had another couple of miles to climb before we finally  reached the camp site.  Every one came into the camp exhausted.  My small group is in charge of supper preparation this week.

 Our camp site is pretty rustic.  There is a lake near our camp and some actually went swimming in the cold mountain lake.   It was in the low 40's over night so it was quite cold in my tent. 

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