Saturday, July 15, 2017

Sunday, July 2nd - Vernon

 Sea to Sea does not ride on Sundays so today was a much needed day of rest.  We are staying on the grounds of the Vernon Christian School.  It is a beautiful setting with Lake Okanagan in the background.

We all attended the worship service at the Vernon CRC.   We packed the small church and the singing was awesome. I don't think there were many dry eyes during the singing of "It is Well with my Soul".  

A group of us went to a restaurant for noon lunch.   There were about 13 of us sitting around tables in this restaurant.  Many of us had our Sea to Sea shirts on.  When we asked the waitress for our checks she informed us than an anonymous person in the restaurant had paid for all of the lunches of the Sea to Sea riders.  We were all stunned and grateful for the generosity of this person.  

Many of us spent the afternoon cleaning our bikes and arranging our clothes baskets to be ready for another week.

   We had bratwurst for dinner. It remains very hot. 

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