Friday, July 5, 2013

Rehoboth, New Mexico

During our group meeting last evening, several members of the Zuni Nation who are connected with the Zuni mission spoke to us.  They told us a little about their history and then sang "How Great Thou Art" and "Amazing Grace" in the Zuni language.  We then joined them in singing these songs in English.  It was great to see how the church of Christ includes people of "various tribes and nations."  A lady also was at the meeting with several loaves of bread that she had baked that day in their outdoor ovens.  The heat for the ovens is supplied by the sun.  I'll post a picture later.

Today we woke at 6:00 am and were on the road at the beginning of daybreak which was around 6:45.  We had a short ride from Zuni to Gallop of 45 miles.  There were a couple of long hills but the ride wasn't bad.  It remained overcast and cool until we reached Gallop around 10:45.  I did run over a dead snake on the road.  I think it was a rattle snake but I'm not sure.  

We are staying tonight at Rehoboth Christian School which is located just outside of Gallop, New Mexico.  Rehoboth was started by the Christian Reformed Church in 1903 as a ministry to the Navajo Indians in this region.  They enroll about 470 students, 70% of which are Native Americans.  They have very nice facilities.  Leanne Gillson, sister of Elmer Jelgerhuis, gave us a tour of the campus.  We are staying in the gym of their new sports complex.   Its a good thing we are not in our tents tonight because this area is having their first rain in 8 months.  It is pouring outside.  I guess our tour brings out the unusual weather wherever we go.  

The staff of Rehoboth prepared a delicious dinner for us tonight consisting of vegetable soup, salad, watermelon, and fried bread.  It was all good but the fried bread was the best. It is kind of a flat bread. that is fried on both sides.    After dinner, many of us went to an Indian Dance demonstration in downtown Gallop.  

I better get to bed.  My air mattress sprung a leak and I haven't been able to locate the hole.  I'll have a hard mattress tonight.  We have our first "century" ride tomorrow.  We will be biking 100 miles from Gallop to Shiprock, NM.    Thanks again for all of your prayers.  Here is a picture I took at sunset tonight in Gallop with flags at half staff in memory of the fire fighters.

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