Sunday, July 7, 2013

Rehoboth to Shiprock, NM - A Century Ride

Saturday, July 6

Rehoboth to Shiprock, NM

I slept in the gym at Rehoboth on Friday night.  I was glad I hadn’t put up my tent when I heard another wind and rainstorm come up during the night.  The local people are very happy with the rain since it has been so dry.   I was up at 5:00 am and ready to get on the road at the break of daylight.  However, the trip coordinator told everyone to stay because he had an anouncement to make.  The announcement was that a bridge on our route was washed out and the detour route would add another 80 miles.   He said the ride would have to be cancelled for the day.   While he was making the announcement, he received a call from the state highway patrol that there was enough of the bridge left in intact and bicycles should be able to cross.    So the ride was back on!  The day started out cool, I put a long sleave shirt on for the first time on this trip.   There was a long downhill early in the ride and I topped out at 41 mph.  

The first half of the trip was great – mostly down hill, little wind, and little traffic.  The low vehicle traffic was due to the bridge being washed out.  I did have to out bike a couple of dogs who insisted on chasing my bike.  Later in the morning, the temperature climbed to the mid-90’s and the wind picked up and it was in our face.  The hot wind slowed us down considerably.   Today was the first time I learned the value of “drafting.”  We had a group of six bikers and we would get in a line behind the lead biker who took the brunt of the wind and the followers had a much easier time.  When the lead biker was tired he/she would pull out and the next biker would take the lead.  We did this most of the afternoon and we made good progress.  When you are drafting behind another biker you have to focus on their back tire so you don’t get too close or too far away.

There is not much between Rehoboth and Shiprock.  We did stop at a couple of small  Christian Reformed Churches along the way.  Several members of these small congregations gave us water and some snacks.  The churches are almost entirely Native American.  These churches are branches from the mission at Rehoboth. 

I completed by first “century” bike ride today.  I biked the 100 miles from Rehoboth to Shiprock, NM.  This is the longest I have ever biked in one day and my butt is extremely sore from sitting on the saddle that long.    I’m glad we will not be biking on Sunday.   I need a day to recover.

 We are staying at the Bethel Christian Reformed Church in Shiprock.   The rides had a choice of setting up their tents outside or sleeping inside.  I chose to sleep inside and found a spot behind the piano on the pulpit.  People were sleeping in the pews, Sunday School rooms, and all over. 

I had a nice surprise waiting for me in Shiprock.  My wife and daughters sent me a care package of  cookies, bars, other treats, and more socks!   I shared the cookies with my drafting companions who helped me get through the strong wind today. 

I was able to go over to the local high school pool on Saturday evening to swim and shower.  It was soooo refreshing to cool down and get clean.

The Shiprock

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