Sunday, July 7, 2013

Sunday in Shiprock

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Breakfast didn’t start until 8:00 am this morning so I could sleep in!    All those who slept in the Church sanctuary had to have our things picked up and put away by 9:00 am.   We cleaned all of the rooms prior to the start of church.  The congregation is  entirely Navajo so we certainly were easy to identify in the service.   Some songs were sung in English and some in the Navajo language.  After the service, people in the congregation made us lunch consisting of Navajo tocos.They were excellent.  We certainly have been fed well on this trip.  It was a good day to relax after our big ride yesterday.

In the afternoon I went with a van full of riders out to the four corners monument.  I officially stood in Utah, New Mexico, Arizona, and Colorado.    This place was about 30 minute drive from our church in Shiprock. 

Later I went back to the pool for a quick swim and shower.  Our route is going to change for the next three days from what is listed in the book.   This is because of the heavy smoke at Wolf-Creek Pass.  We are going to go further east in New Mexico before we head north.    The new route is posted on the Sea to Sea website.   I understand that  we will do more climbing tomorrow as we move closer to the Rocky Mountains.    It is suppose to be hot tomorrow (95 degrees).   

I continue to make connections with people on the trip as I get to know them.    One of our fellow riders is Marc Faasse is the brother of Jan Hawe  - a former member of Calvary Church.    I also met Mark and Deb Harberts of Albuquerque, NM.  They are friends of Tom and Ronda (Lobbes) Schripsma in Albuquerque.  Ronda is a cousin of my wife.  Mark Harberts has had a remarkable spring.  He signed up to participate in the Sea to Sea trip in January.  In April, the doctors removed a large cancerous tumor from his leg.  He has had a remarkable recover and still rode for 3 days this past week on the tour.    He is finished now but is an inspiration to all of us.  We actually didn’t know about his amazing story until yesterday.  He never mentioned it to us previously. 

I hope you all have a great week!  Thanks for your continued prayers.

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