Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Colorado Springs to Limon, CO - Monday, July 15

I woke up at 5:00 because I was on the Sweep Team and it was our responsibility to set-up and clean-up the breakfast.   The sky was cloudy and it looked like it would rain at any minute.  I left the camp at 7:00 and only made it a few miles before it started to rain.  First it came as mist and then as a pelting rain.  It rained continuously for the next 3 hours.  I had a rain jacket on but  my shoes and socks were soaked.  To make matters worse, I was following the person biking in front of me and at one point she stopped and said, “I think I missed a turn.”  We had to back track in the rain about 2 miles to get back on the right road.  The fog set in and we could only see about 30 yards ahead.   I'm thankful that the Colorado Springs drivers were alert to us because we were not very visible.   It certainly made for some miserable biking conditions.   I saw the last of the Rocky Mountains when I left Colorado Springs Christian School.  Because of the rain and fog, we could not see any of the landscape around us for 3 hours.   After about 10:00 am it stopped raining and about an hour later the sun came out. 

Once we were outside of Colorado Springs there were not many places where we could stop and dry out.  We did find a small cafe in the town of Simla.  Many other Sea to Sea bike riders stopped at this café and soon the two waitresses and one cook were overwhelmed with the orders and the number of people in their café.  Several of the Sea to Sea riders were soon serving coffee to the other café patrons and bussing tables.   It was a group effort to get everyone the food and service they needed.  I think the employees were overwhelmed but pleased to have us there.  I’m sure the number of people they served in those few hours were more than they serve in a couple of weeks.   It was good to take some time to dry out, drink coffee, and relax. 
  The rest of the drive was windy but a fairly easy ride.   We were riding through land that was mostly grass pasture used for cattle grazing. 
  I made it into the camp and Limon, CO at around 2:00 pm.  We had biked about 72 miles on this day.

An amazing thing happened after our trip today.  Pastor Jake Kuipers wasn't feeling well on the ride.  He made it the entire way but it was a struggle and he was having a hard time catching his breath.  One of our nurses, Julie, took Jake to the hospital after his ride and the doctors completed some tests.  They immediately had him air lifted to  a hospital in Aurora, Colorado where Jake went into surgery and had two stints put in.  One of his arteries was 70% blocked and the other was 90% blocked.   The last I heard is that Jake is doing well.   It was good work by Billy D., Julie, and the other riders who expressed their concern about Jake and his health.  I praise the Lord for His sovereign hand in this entire process.  

I had intended to bike a few more days but today I decided it made more sense for me to ride with Julie Ledeboer, Rod's wife, to Sioux Falls.   My original plan was to stop in Colorado Springs but I wanted to avoid airfare back to Mpls as well as the cost of shipping my bike and all my gear.  When Julie Ledeboer offered to bring me and all my stuff to Sioux Falls, this seemed to be a  good plan.   I had the opportunity to say a few "good bye" comments at the group meeting tonight.  I told the group that I had three goals coming into this trip: 1)  to raise funds for several organizations that I support and I believe in their mission.  2) To meet a new community of people, and 3)  to see western U.S. from my bike and participate in an exciting adventure.   I told the others that my expectations in all three areas were far exceeded.   I was able to raise more $ than my goal, I met so many wonderful people that I now call "friends" and I saw God's beautiful creation close-up.  Plus the trip was more of an adventure than I ever would have dreamed.  I thanked the organizers of the tour for giving me the opportunity to be on this bike tour and I thanked all the wonderful Sea to Sea riders and volunteers for helping me through each mile and each day.    I had a fantastic time on this trip and it really went by all too fast.  

On Tuesday, July 16, Julie Ledeboer and I packed her car and set out for Sioux Falls where Rod and Julie live.  We made it to Sioux Falls around 7:00 pm.   My  wife, Karen, drove out from Minneapolis to meet us.  I transferred all my gear to my car and Karen and I set out for Minneapolis.  We arrived at our home at around 12:30 am (Wed. morning) .  It is good to be home.  It is good to be with my wife and family.  It is good to sleep in my bed again.  It is good to resume my work at Calvin Christian School.   However, I already miss the daily adventure on the bike and the interactions with all the Sea to Sea riders.  It was truly a blessing to be part of this 2013 Sea to Sea Tour.   I will continue to pray for the group as they make their way to the east coast.  

I hope to ride with the group again next Friday from Chariton to Pella, Iowa and possibly on Saturday to Iowa City.  I look forward to the worship celebration at Central College next Friday night.  

I also hope to see many of the Sea to Sea riders again when they are in Ontario, Canada.  My daughter, Carrie, will be getting married to Nick Ellens on August 16.  Their wedding will take place in Prince Edward County at the Fields of West Lake in Southern Ontario.    The Sea to Sea riders are scheduled to  be coming past the wedding venue on Wednesday, Augusts 14.    By the way,  my daughter Carrie met Nick Ellens when they both did the Sea to Sea trip in 2008.  

I'd like to thank you readers for your interest in my blog over the past few weeks.   It was an amazing experience and I'm glad I could share it with you.    Thank you for your prayers and support.  Please continue to support such organizations as World Renew,Partners Worldwide and other organizations that seek to bring the hope of Christ to a broken world. Pray for all who are working to end the cycle of poverty that so many experience in this world.    Blessings to you.  Steve Groen

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Sounds like you had an amazing adventure. You are an inspiration to try something difficult, enjoy the process, and overcome obstacles all while praising the Lord. Enjoy the remainder of your summer, your daughter's wedding sounds lovely! God bless you-
