Sunday, July 14, 2013

Sunday in Colorado Springs, CO

Sunday, July 14 :  I woke up to a beautiful morning in Colorado Springs.  We are staying at the Colorado Springs Christian School.    The sky was pure blue and the mountains were beautiful.  Most of the Sea to Sea people ate breakfast on the parking lot sitting in our chairs facing Pike's Peak.  It is not  every day that I  can wake up to such a spectacular view as this.  I slept in the hallway in the middle school last night as did most of the others.   A thunderstorm came through with a lot of wind and rain.

The Sea to Sea people worshiped at the Cragmor Christian Reformed Church.  Most of the people walked over since it was only about a mile to the church.   It was a wonderful service.  Pastor Todd Hilkemann, my former pastor at Calvary Church in Edina,  gave the message from I Peter 2:11 - 12 about living our faith. We also had communion with the congregation.

 Pastor Todd wanted me to be sure to bring greetings from him to the Calvary Church people.  The picture above is of their three youngest children.  The older two boys were off some other place when I snapped this picture.    After the service, the congregation served us a delicious lunch.

This afternoon I went back to the Garden of the Gods Park with Doug and Joy Lutke, and Rod and Julie Ledeboer, and Gerry Pols.  Julie drove out from Sioux Falls and will be staying with us through Monday evening.
Having fun at the Garden of the Gods.  

We also went to Manitou Springs which has a series of crafts and unique shops.    Tonight we had a group meeting with praise singing and a devotional.  Shirley Folkerts also gave us some inspirational words reminding us of the purpose of our trip in light of growing the kingdom of God.  Shirley broke her leg yesterday in a fall with her bike.  She and her husband, Rudy,  will be heading back to Orange City on Tuesday.  Hopefully Rudy will be able to resume the ride at a later date.  Please continue to pray for quick healing for Shirley.  She doesn't know yet if she will need surgery on her leg.  

It  is raining again tonight in Colorado Springs.  I, along with most of the others will be sleeping in the hallways in the school  tonight.  I am on the sweep team tomorrow morning so I'll have to be up at 5:30 am to get the breakfast set up.  We are going about 70 miles tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Greet Rod L. For me. He was my high school industrial arts teacher!
